Hold Our Token, Shape Our Future

rhino.fi’s native token, DVF, gives power back to our community. As well as trading the token on our platform, you can use it to shape the key governance decisions around our project.

Token Utility

As a DVF token holder, you’ll soon gain access to a range of exclusive benefits.

Free bridge

Exclusive free bridging service for DVF token holders to explore new frontiers quickly.


Stake DVF and have your say. Vote on the big stuff and the small stuff as well as propose your own updates.

Priority Airdrops

Get priority eligibility for future airdrops from partners and rhino.fi as a DVF token holder.


Know about our token

rhino.fi has four main stakeholders: the operator rhino.fi labs (that’s us), automated market maker liquidity providers, everyday rhino.fi users and DVF holders (that could be you!).


We’ve allocated 2 million tokens (2% of total supply) to our community via various channels, to ensure as many supporters as possible can shape our future.


DVF is an ERC 20 token with the following token address:



Updated Tokenomics
updated Supply schedule


How our governance works

By holding DVF, you can vote on both the big stuff and the small stuff: how our smart contracts work, how we allocate our fees and how our governance process will evolve over time. You can also propose your own updates to the community, and trigger votes.
To unlock this power, you need to stake your DVF for its staked counterpart, xDVF. You can find out more info here or, if you want to jump right in, just click below.

Why cast a vote

And how to do it

As an xDVF holder you can decide the big stuff and the small stuff about our project.


That means you can vote on practically anything, from how we build smart contracts and manage our treasury to how we reward liquidity providers in our AMM programmes or use incenitves like airdrops to drive growth. 


Make it count

As an xDVF holder you can decide the big stuff and the small stuff about our project.


That means you can vote on practically anything, from how we build smart contracts and manage our treasury to how we reward liquidity providers in our AMM programmes or use incentives like airdrops to drive growth. 


Make it count.

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